Monday, February 18, 2008

Use RelayBinding to Expose Your Service to the world through MS Service Bus

To use Microsoft implementation of ESB at, We need only use RelayBinding in WCF + Biztalk Service Extension.
In fact Service Config could be as simple as the following:

<service name="JQD.HomeLabService">
<endpoint contract="JQD.IHomeLabService"
binding="relayBinding" />
and the corresponding code are also simple:

static void Main(string[] args)
CardSpaceTokenProvider tok = new CardSpaceTokenProvider();
string rHostName = RelayBinding.DefaultRelayHostName;
Uri rHostUri = new Uri(String.Format("sb://{0}/services/{1}/HomeLabService",rHostName,tok.GetUserName()));
ServiceHost rHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(HomeLabService), rHostUri);

Clearly, the endpoint "sb://" will be correctly relayed to your server every running code has a correct cardSpace token.

For a piece of code to reach your web services through relay, it only need to know the contract

public interface IHomeLabService
string HeartBeat();

and it then need to connect to MS ESB:

static void Main(string[] args)
ChannelFactory f = new ChannelFactory(new RelayBinding(),
IHomeLabService ch =f.CreateChannel();
Console.WriteLine( ch.HeartBeat());

Noticeably, RelayBinding is the key to traverse NAT or firewall and without expose your server to the internet directly.

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